Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

Today, I broke my fast at Ushu's. Not much though, but I love the brownies. I have come to realized that I love my family. The good part about Bani Hasyim's, we are always here to support, we make each other laugh, and a family members sells handbags ( that part is unnecessary ). The bad part is any news or gossips at all, it just takes less than 10 minutes until the whole family knows.

Enough about that for now,

you see, if you have been reading my blog, then you must have come to realized that my post are about contents that no other teenagers have done.

this is one of those post.

Sometimes, adults aren't exactly have the right mind. It's not that I'm saying that adults have no brain, they do, of course they do, it's just sometimes when they think they know what's best when actually they don't.

When adults, especially the old ones, say ' the world have change a lot', I have to disagree. The world hasn't change a bit, we did. We are moving forward, trying to be a better nation, but in that process we loss ourselves, our self conscious, sometimes our dignity.

And the thing that bothered me the most sometimes, is parents.

I learned that some kids don't really know the outside world. It's like they have been living in this town where everyone is super,super nice. But they're wrong. They don't know what bad really is.

Parents have always feared that their children will make the same mistakes they did and they're trying so hard to avoid that. I mean, c'mon, children will change and make many mistakes, that's the beauty of life; mistakes.

AND I really hate it if I did something wrong or a little bit unappropiate, then people will say ' it's the way I was raised'. What kind of crap is that?

My parents have taught me so well. I idolized them, but when I do something wrong, my parents get the blame. I am who I am, not my parents. I'm 14 years old. My parents have done their jobs, now it's my turn. If I made a mistake, then that's my mistake, not my parents.

This is a beautiful world, but fill with mistakes and misery. We just have to embrace it to live it to the fullest. Parents have to stop being afraid to their childerens lives. You parents just have to watch them and hope for the better.

However, this is coming from a 14 year old. But even I know what happened to the world. I have reached out and left my thoughts deep inside me. Life is what you make out of it, it's not pretty but it's not ugly either.

So that's it,

Happy 52nd Independence Day, Malaysia!