Friday, July 17, 2009

Who( ambil dr myspace)

Who are you liking?
a guy ;P

Who is your best friend?

Who makes you happy?
those who makes me laugh, makes me happy

Who is your favorite family member on your moms side?
hm, tough one, but i'll say Hakim, my grandma, Andak and Ashu (they usually make me laugh like hell)

Who is your favorite family member on your dads side?
not to close to them but Adina

Who are you closest to?
my best friend la

Who do you tell your secrets to?
those whom i can trust, but i'm kinda straight forward

Who were you with last night?
my family?

Who do you live with?
my family , again, duh


What's your full name?
Wan Qashifa Aneesa bt Adnan (yup, long)

What's your birthdate?
11 august

What's your favorte color?
depends on mood

What's your favorite sport?
right now, volleyball

What's your favorite number?
dont have one

What do you do in your spare time?
myspacing or tv

What are your pets names?
dont have one, allergies

What's your favorite song?

What's your favorite T.V. show?
too many

What's your favorite movie?
now, transformers: revenge of the fallen (way, freaking awesome)

What vehicles do your parents drive?
Mercedes and Harrier


Where were you on your last birthday?
home , i'm a very lazy person

Where do you live?

Where do you want to live?
all over the world, a house at every country

Where was your last vacation to?

Where did you go in a car last?
just now, tuition

Where do your grandparents live?
klang and perak

Where do you want to go to college?
havent decided

Where is your heart?
in my body?


When did/will you graduate?
probably 3 years from now

When do you want to get married?

When are you happy?
last two nights

When did you cry last?
cant remember

When are you moving next?

When did you last get a text?
just now

When are you going to bed?
probably in an hour

When is the last time you took a vitamin?
cant remember


Why do you think you were born?
to see why life and human beings can be so messed up

Why is Britney Spears so messed up?

Why are you stressed?
school and people at school

Why is MySpace so addictive?
dunno, life is boring and myspace is too but who cares

Why do clowns scare people?
they smile all the time, i mean no one smile that lot

Why are you bored?
probably because i'm answering this survey

Why is Tom Cruise so weird?
he's not, just shorter from his wife

i was bored