Friday, July 10, 2009


ahem ahem.

okay, jom mula.

gadis-gadis sekarang terlalu pentingkan kecantikan mereka. i mean, kalau make up were not invented, adakah gadis-gadis ini akan merana?


sekarang ni, girls think to much about being beutiful. what the hell? beutiful? perkataan ini takda makna kat akhirat nanti(ish, nak terjadi mcm umi lak, hehe) tapi betul la. kecantikan di luaran tidak akan ditimbang, malah kecantikan di dalam adalah yang paling bermakna.

namun, gadis sekarang kalau tak cantik tu ada yang sampai taknak keluar rumah. kenapa kita kene cantik? kenapa kena jadi macam Miss Universe ke Miss Malaysia la kononnya.

kalau sebab kita kena jadi cantik sebab nak impress boys, rasanya macam desperate. kita tak patut melawa hanya untuk lelaki( kecuali kalau utk husbands tu lain crite la). anyway, adakah gadis-gadis sekarang takut that they will never find the guy if they never do anything to improve themselves?


each and one of us ada jodoh yang telah ditentukan oleh Tuhan. tunggu jer lah. nanti jumpa lah. n guys suppose to like the girl not just because she's pretty, but because of her special attraction like she's nice, or adventurous, or just make you have goose bumps whenever you see her.

now that is a true relationship. isn't it nice if the guy's heart still pounding as fast as lightning whenever he sees you eventhough you have been together for several years? but nowadays, guys are just jerks.

they don't know how to respect a girl not like the guys before our time, this is just a theory. when we see in movies about guys being incredibly romantic, but of course it's fiction.
sekarang ini, rasanya , kaum lelaki baik semakin pupus.

haha.penat menaip. sorry for the double language.