Friday, July 31, 2009


choral speaking competition was horrible. Bummer. I really wanted to win. 2nd place at least. but, i guess we suck. so, anyway, seafield loss too. Not offense, but I was so glad you guys loss. Tomorrow got the gotong-royong thingy, hate it but I want the certificate only.

okay, done.
late anyway,

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Life is nothing you are gonna get.

hello, fellow readers.

life is not fair, never, am I right? yes, I am. good to know. today's post will be full of crap. It is to show how the life of a teenager, meaning me, can be such a life time full of headaches. I have watched many fantasy, fiction movies in my time, and it always show a happy ending.


in real life, there is no such thing as a happy ending. that's why its call a 'fiction movie'. life is challenging and we will always have to fight to stay alive. but somehow, i guess life is pretty amazing once you put the negative parts away.

but, seriously, when we watch a certain movie about superheroes for example, and sometimes we wish for the bravery, the courage, and the excitement. but truly, we already have that. I mean we have the bravery to meet friends, meet life partners and experience life. there's the courage right there.

and for the excitement, we must use our imagination then only we can live life to the fullest. I mean if you look outside the box, you will see that life is actually a movie. there's the main characters, and the minor characters. the hero and the heroin. the protagonist and antagonist in the films, their all there.

we're the directors, the person who leads the way. we have to lead our own life.
alright, enough therapy for one day.

goodbye, fellas.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Who( ambil dr myspace)

Who are you liking?
a guy ;P

Who is your best friend?

Who makes you happy?
those who makes me laugh, makes me happy

Who is your favorite family member on your moms side?
hm, tough one, but i'll say Hakim, my grandma, Andak and Ashu (they usually make me laugh like hell)

Who is your favorite family member on your dads side?
not to close to them but Adina

Who are you closest to?
my best friend la

Who do you tell your secrets to?
those whom i can trust, but i'm kinda straight forward

Who were you with last night?
my family?

Who do you live with?
my family , again, duh


What's your full name?
Wan Qashifa Aneesa bt Adnan (yup, long)

What's your birthdate?
11 august

What's your favorte color?
depends on mood

What's your favorite sport?
right now, volleyball

What's your favorite number?
dont have one

What do you do in your spare time?
myspacing or tv

What are your pets names?
dont have one, allergies

What's your favorite song?

What's your favorite T.V. show?
too many

What's your favorite movie?
now, transformers: revenge of the fallen (way, freaking awesome)

What vehicles do your parents drive?
Mercedes and Harrier


Where were you on your last birthday?
home , i'm a very lazy person

Where do you live?

Where do you want to live?
all over the world, a house at every country

Where was your last vacation to?

Where did you go in a car last?
just now, tuition

Where do your grandparents live?
klang and perak

Where do you want to go to college?
havent decided

Where is your heart?
in my body?


When did/will you graduate?
probably 3 years from now

When do you want to get married?

When are you happy?
last two nights

When did you cry last?
cant remember

When are you moving next?

When did you last get a text?
just now

When are you going to bed?
probably in an hour

When is the last time you took a vitamin?
cant remember


Why do you think you were born?
to see why life and human beings can be so messed up

Why is Britney Spears so messed up?

Why are you stressed?
school and people at school

Why is MySpace so addictive?
dunno, life is boring and myspace is too but who cares

Why do clowns scare people?
they smile all the time, i mean no one smile that lot

Why are you bored?
probably because i'm answering this survey

Why is Tom Cruise so weird?
he's not, just shorter from his wife

i was bored

Saturday, July 11, 2009


everyone has their own dreams. their life planned. I however, don't. I've come from wanting to be a photographer to a doctor, a pedeatrician ( salah eja, doktor kanak-kanak) to a writer. but nothing keep still. I'll just change it next month.

but now, I'm just fed up. I don't know what to do and what am I going to do or will do? what am i going to do? asking my mother isn't a big help. she asked to become a lawyer like her to becoming a reporter , you know the one who takes picture and stuff.

but I don't want to do that. I asked all my friends, and they all know what to do after they graduate, like which U their going to , what course their taking. me? i got nothing. absolutely nothing. the next caunselor in the family, well, she was the closest one I got, said that i should take the course of my very best subject.

but then, the only best subject I got is English, but that not going to take me anywhere. I mean, i am impossible with science, bad at math, not to good with my own root language. what shoud i do?

look at me, I am pathetic. I complaining this types of things into a blog, to where strangers ( or some friends, or even family ) are reading it. this isn't a blog, this is a self confession. ah, who cares?

you got any advice?

after all that, I started thinking again, maybe i don't need to decide now. I might not have my purpose in life yet, but I'll get there. right? i hope. anyway, back to myspacing.

Friday, July 10, 2009


ahem ahem.

okay, jom mula.

gadis-gadis sekarang terlalu pentingkan kecantikan mereka. i mean, kalau make up were not invented, adakah gadis-gadis ini akan merana?


sekarang ni, girls think to much about being beutiful. what the hell? beutiful? perkataan ini takda makna kat akhirat nanti(ish, nak terjadi mcm umi lak, hehe) tapi betul la. kecantikan di luaran tidak akan ditimbang, malah kecantikan di dalam adalah yang paling bermakna.

namun, gadis sekarang kalau tak cantik tu ada yang sampai taknak keluar rumah. kenapa kita kene cantik? kenapa kena jadi macam Miss Universe ke Miss Malaysia la kononnya.

kalau sebab kita kena jadi cantik sebab nak impress boys, rasanya macam desperate. kita tak patut melawa hanya untuk lelaki( kecuali kalau utk husbands tu lain crite la). anyway, adakah gadis-gadis sekarang takut that they will never find the guy if they never do anything to improve themselves?


each and one of us ada jodoh yang telah ditentukan oleh Tuhan. tunggu jer lah. nanti jumpa lah. n guys suppose to like the girl not just because she's pretty, but because of her special attraction like she's nice, or adventurous, or just make you have goose bumps whenever you see her.

now that is a true relationship. isn't it nice if the guy's heart still pounding as fast as lightning whenever he sees you eventhough you have been together for several years? but nowadays, guys are just jerks.

they don't know how to respect a girl not like the guys before our time, this is just a theory. when we see in movies about guys being incredibly romantic, but of course it's fiction.
sekarang ini, rasanya , kaum lelaki baik semakin pupus.

haha.penat menaip. sorry for the double language.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


aku melihat dan memegang. meneliti dan memikir. pening. pening sangat.

bilala aku nak beli purse baru?
purse london aku dah nampak tak best.
aku mencuba memakai purse ibuku yang tak diguna olehnya.

purse ini dibeli oleh ayahanda tercinta. mengenali ayahanda, his taste, thumbs down , BOTH OF THEM!

ayahanda membelikan bonda purse berwarna merah dan kononya ' genuine leather'.

namun yang menggelikan hati ialah pada purse itu terdapat gambar seekor gajah. kecil tetapi tidak sedap mata memandang. ah, what the heck? cuba jer lah.

anyway, aku ingin menulis sebuah cerpen sempena minggu bahasa di sekolah. cerpen tu kene buat sendiri.

thinking cap, check !
storyline? wtf!

stuck. blank. bodo.

aku tak tahu nak buat apa. ah biarlah, nanti mesti ada ideanya.
something happened at tuition. but again,what the heck, right?